ArtsU: Learn & Connect with the Arts Field - Anytime, Anywhere!
Are you looking for tools and resources for arts leaders and professionals? Are you looking to connect with your peers to discuss challenges and opportunities? ArtsU offers both the tactical tools you need and the community you want to be a part of. Visit today and start your customized journey! Get Started! |
Artists Thrive is a growing initiative offering activities, practices, language, visions and values of what it means to succeed and thrive as an artist – and what it means to have a thriving arts sector and, eventually, thriving communities. More specifically, it is a set of interconnected and holistic resources that can guide us in improving our performance and, ultimately, the conditions in which artists can thrive.
GIA members have been working together to promote and improve funding for individual artists for over 20 years. This has been one of the most active and energetic groups of funders within GIA and the Support for Individual Artists preconferences have been the flagship program of this group.